How to set up TradingView alerts

Here’s how to set up an alert on TradingView. Receive notifications via email, SMS or directly on your phone.

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How to create an alert

Select the asset of your choice (here BTC/USDT):

Select the indicator of your choice (here Blockunity Supreme Vision):

Select the recommended indicator timeframe (see summary table):

Create an alert by clicking on the “Alert” button:

Set the parameters:

Choose the desired notifications:

Click on “Create”.

Alerts updates

As mentioned above, without a TradingView Premium account, alerts have an expiry date, so be sure to reactivate them:

When an indicator is updated, alerts continue to be triggered based on the old version. Be sure to recreate alerts for major Unyx Data indicator updates:

Summary of available alerts

Below is a list of the alerts available for each indicator.

Indicators Descriptions Alerts Recommended timeframes
Rainbow Score (BRS)
  • Buy and sell signals.
  • Change from zone 9 to 10.
  • Change from zone 8 to 9.
  • Change from zone 3 to 2.
  • Change from zone 2 to 1.
  • {Asset}: {Buy/Sell} signal on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset} entered score {1/2/9/10} on timeframe {tf}.
  • Daily
Unyx Bands (BUB)
  • Trading signals (Long, Short, Close, Stop Loss).
  • {Asset}: Open {Long/Short} on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset}: {Trend Stop Loss/Stop Loss} Close {Long/Short} on timeframe {tf}.
  • 4H
  • Daily
Bitcoin Cycle Synthesis (BCS)

BCS 1/2

  • Bullmarket/Bearmarket confirmation.
  • MM200 in buy or sell zone.
  • Top/Bottom signals.

BCS 2/2 (Oscillator)

  • RSI enters buy/sell zone.
  • Hash Ribbon buy signal.
  • Puell Multiple enters/leaves buy/sell zone.
  • {Bullmarket/Bearmarket} confirmed!
  • 200 Moving Average enters {Buy/Sell} zone on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Top/Bottom} signal on timeframe {tf}.
  • RSI enters {Buy/Sell} zone on timeframe {tf}.
  • Hash Ribbon enters Buy zone on timeframe {tf}.
  • Puell Multiple {enters/exits} {Buy/Sell} zone on timeframe {tf}.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Ultimatyx Screener & Oscillator (BUX)

BUO (Oscillator)

  • Strong overbought or oversold signal.
  • {Asset}: {Overbought/Oversold} signal on timeframe {tf}.
  • 1H
  • 2H
  • 4H
  • Daily
On-chain Suite (BOS)
  • Percentage over/under held by Whales over 7 days (only if variation of -/+ 3%).
  • Number of Whales up or down over 7 days, as well as the percentage of the offer held.
  • {X}% {more/less} held by whales on {Asset} over the last 7 days.
  • {X} {new/less} whales since last week, for a total of {X}, holding {X}% of the {Asset} supply.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Reversal Identifier (BRI)
  • BSR buy and sell signals.
  • RSI Slope buy and sell signals.
  • Bullish and bearish breakout signals.
  • Trap signals.
  • {Asset}: {Buy/Sell} signal from BSR on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset}: {Buy/Sell} signal from RSI Slope on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset}: {Bullish/Bearish} {Breakout/Trap} on timeframe {tf}.
  • 1H
  • 2H
  • 4H
  • Daily
Trend Identifier (BTI)
  • Vegas Daily changes trend.
  • Vegas Daily retest signal.
  • {Asset}: Daily Vegas Cloud is now {Bullish/Bearish}.
  • {Asset}: Daily Vegas Cloud {bullish/bearish} retest in progress.
  • Daily
Pivot Identifier (BPI)
  • New ATH or ATL.
  • New intermediate ATH or ATL.
  • {Asset} reached a new All Time {High/Low} at {$X}.
  • {Asset} reached a new Intermediate All Time {High/Low} at {$X}.
  • Daily
Drawdown Visualizer (BDV)
  • New Max Drawdown.
  • Drawdown falls below -25% / Drawdown recovers -25%.
  • Drawdown falls below -50% / Drawdown recovers -50%.
  • Drawdown falls below -75% / Drawdown recovers -75%.
  • {Asset} reached a new Max Drawdown at ${X}.
  • {Asset} {reclaimed/crossed under} {-75%/-50%/-25%} Drawdown.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Volatility Bands (BVB)
  • Trading signals (Long, Short, Close, Stop Loss).
  • {Asset} enter {first/second/third} {long /short} position on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset}: Close all positions on timeframe {tf}.
  • 1H
  • 2H
  • 4H
Bitcoin ETF Tracker (BET)
  • Total volume variation in 24h (if variation -/+ 50%).
  • Total Volume of Bitcoin ETFs has changed by {X}% over the last 24 hours.
  • Daily
Excess Index (BEI)
  • Buy or sell signals.
  • Exceeding upper or lower extension.
  • {Asset}: {Buy/Sell} signal from BSR on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset} exits {upper/lower} extension on timeframe {tf}
  • Daily
Stablecoin Liquidity (BSL)
  • Aggregate liquidity status and variation over 30 days (alert sent every 30 days).
  • Aggregated Stablecoin Liquidity is at ${X} with a monthly variation of {X}%.
  • Daily
Supreme Vision (BSV)
  • Buy or sell signals.
  • Entry into Accumulation / Distribution / Caution zones.
  • Monthly summary of asset and market trends, as well as asset state zone and drawdown.
  • {Asset}: {Buy/Sell} signal on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset} entering {Accumulation/Distribution/Caution} zone on timeframe {tf}.
  • End of month BSV Recap: {Asset} trend is {Bullish/Bearish/Contested} and state is in {Accumulation/Distribution/Caution} zone. Market state is {Oversold/Overbought/Neutral}. Drawdown is {X}%.
  • Daily
Gap Detector (BGD)
  • A gap is closed.
  • Soon.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Fibonacci Score (BFS)
  • The asset enters the 0, 1 or 2 retracement zones on the “all time history”.
  • {Asset} has now a retracement score of {0/1/2} on all time history.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Altseason Index (BAI)
  • Change in seasonality state.
  • Monthly summary of seasonality state, Bitcoin dominance and index ratio.
  • State of seasonality change: {State}.
  • End of month Altseason Index recap: Bitcoin Dominance is at {X}%. BTC Dominance (Excluding Stablecoins) is at {X}%. Index Ratio is at {X}. {State}.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Market Index (BMI)
  • Change in market trend.
  • Monthly summary of market trend and index ratio.
  • New {Market} Market Trend: {Bullish/Bearish/Neutral} ({tf}).
  • {Market} Market Index end of month recap: Trend is {Bullish/Bearish/Neutral}. Index at {X}/{X}. Ratio is {X}% Bull.
  • Daily
  • Weekly




Money Printer Index (BMP)
  • Printing state change.
  • Money Printer Index changes state to: {Printing Brrrr/Decreasing/Increasing/No Printing}.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Central Banks Variation (BBV)
  • Weekly summary with 7-day variation.
  • Monthly summary with 30-day variation.
  • Quarterly summary with 90-day variation.
  • Central Bank Variations {weekly/monthly/quarterly} change: {X}%.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Ownership Segmentation (BOS)
  • Monthly summary of the percentage of Whales, Investors and Retail.
  • Ownership Segmentation end of month recap. Whales: {X}%. Investors: {X}%. Retail: {X}%.
  • Daily
Profile Segmentation (BPS)
  • Monthly summary of Hodlers, Cruisers and Traders percentages.
  • Profile Segmentation end of month recap. Hodlers: {X}%. Cruisers: {X}%. Traders: {X}%.
  • Daily




Magic Bands (PMB)
  • Buy and sell signals (including early signals).
  • Change from zone 9 to 10.
  • Change from zone 8 to 9.
  • Change from zone 3 to 2.
  • Change from zone 2 to 1.
  • Trend becomes Bullish/Bearish.
  • {Asset}: {[Early] Buy/Sell} signal on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset} entered zone {1/2/9/10} on timeframe {tf}.
  • {Asset} trend is now {Bullish/Bearish} on timeframe {tf}.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Trend Time (PTT)
  • Trend time > 60 days.
  • Trend time > 90 days.
  • Trend time > 120 days.
  • {Asset} in {Bullish/Bearish/Contested} trend for {60/90/120} days.
  • Daily
Divinetrend (BDT)
  • Trend change.
  • {Asset} trend changes to {Bullish/Bearish/Contested} on timeframe {tf}.
  • Daily
  • Weekly
Supply Augmentation (PSA)
  • Percentage change in supply (only if -/+ 3%).
  • {Asset}: In the last 24 hours the supply {increased/decreased} by {X}%.
  • Daily
Master Oscillator (BMO)
  • Addresses in profit surpass 90% or fall below 10%.
  • Strong realized profits or losses.
  • Variation in the proportion of whales over 30 days (only if the variation is +/- 3%).
  • Variation in the proportion of long-term holders over 30 days (only if the variation is +/- 5%).
  • Asset enters strong overbought or oversold condition.
  • Monthly summary of the percentage of addresses in profit, the proportion of Whales and long-term Holders, the state of market liquidity, and the asset’s state of overheating.
  • {Asset} addresses in profit represent now {X}%.
  • {Asset} high amount of {losses/profits} realized today! (Index at: {X}/100).
  • {Asset}: {Whales proportion/Long-term Holders} varied by {X}% over the last 30 days!
  • {Asset} is {[Heavily] Oversold/Overbought} on timeframe {tf}.
  • End of month BMO recap for {Asset}: The proportion of Addresses in Profit is {X}%. The Whales proportion is {X}%. Long-term Holders represent {X}%. The Stablecoin Liquidity is {Increasing/Decreasing}. The FIAT printing state is {Printing Brrrr/Decreasing/Increasing/No Printing}. And {Asset} is in a {[Heavily] Oversold/Overbought} state.
  • Daily